イニシャルロイヤルティ、ランニングロイヤルティ 及び ミニマムロイヤリティについて各金額の200%を合計したものをお支払いいただきます。
掲載記事の更新日: 2025年02月07日
支払時期・方法 本契約締結時に現金(消費税込み)もしくは銀行振込現金(消費税込み)にてお支払いいただきます。
金 額 本件役務の提供価格の2~5パーセント(消費税を含まない)
支払時期・方法 半年毎に役務の提供価格に基づきランニングロイヤルティを算出し、これとミニマムロイヤリティのいずれか多い方に消費税・地方消費税を加算した金額を現金もしくは銀行振込にてお支払いいただきます。
*1 イニシャルロイヤルティ、ランニングロイヤルティ 及び ミニマムロイヤリティは役務の提供に関する内容、提供価格によって変わります。
*2 お支払いいただいたロイヤルティは、事由のいかんを問わず一切返還されません。
*3 ご使用にあたり、「商標権通常使用権許諾契約書」を締結させていただきます。
イニシャルロイヤルティ、ランニングロイヤルティ 及び ミニマムロイヤリティについて各金額の200%を合計したものをお支払いいただきます。
*注2.商標法 及び 関係法令の改正後は改定された損害賠償に関する内容に準拠します。
*注2.商標法 及び 関係法令の改正後は改定された損害賠償に関する内容に準拠します。
掲載記事の更新日: 2025年02月07日
About my registered trademark "Digital Ukiyo-e®" royalty for use in Japan
I demand my registered trademark "Digital Ukiyo-e" (Registration number: 5757271, 6619253) royalty for normal license use by the following contents.
1. Normal fee in the contract
(1) Initial royalties
Payment time and method: Payment in cash or bank transfer or PayPal at the time of concluding this contract (including consumption tax).
(2) Running royalties and minimum royalties
Running royalties: Amount of money 2 to 5% of the offer price of the service of my registered trademark (excluding consumption tax).
Payment time and method: Every six months in cash or bank transfer or PayPal , the running royalties are calculated based on the service offer price, and the amount of the minimum royalties, whichever is greater, is the sum of the consumption tax and the local consumption tax.
*1: Initial royalties, running royalties and minimum royalties vary depending the offer price of the service of my registered trademark and the other factors.
*2: The royalties that you paid will not be refunded for any reason.
*3: We will conclude a "Trademark Right Normal License Agreement".
2. Money rate of the unauthorized use
You will be required to pay 200% of each amount total of money for initial royalties, running royalties and minimum royalties.
*When you do not accept payment, I will be publication such as company names and give a legal response. But it will be based on a rule about the compensation for damages after the revision of Trademarks Act and laws and ordinances concerned.
*Would you like to use an image that introduces the traditional culture of Osaka for the 2025 Kansai-Osaka Expo or Integrated Resort advertising?
I have Osaka Tenmangu Shrine and many images, including the Tenjin Festival. I am waiting for your contact with the usage contract of the copyrighted work.
I will start consulting on traditional Japanese culture and festivals for foreign people. Nowadays, many Japanese people don't know about it, and they don't have many opportunities to get involved. I am in a unique position to be involved through photography. In fact, I often receive questions from foreign people, when I am In an interval taking photographs.
I am looking forward to your message.
This page was last modified: February 7, 2025.