山吹色の世界 Bright yellow fantasy


松尾大社(701年創建)は、京都府京都市西京区にある神社です。主祭神は大山咋神 (おおやまぐいのかみ)、市杵島姫命 (いちきしまひめのみこと)の2柱とのことです。古代から渡来系氏族の秦氏に奉斎されたことで知られています。詳しくは公式ホームページを参照ください。
シロヤマブキ Rhodotypos scandens




Bright yellow fantasy

I had photographed this work at Matsunoo Taisha Shrine (Established in 701), Kyoto-City Nishikyo-Ward. That shrine is dedicated to Ohoyamakuhi no kami and Ichikishima Hime no mikoto. They say Hata clan, which was descended from immigrants to ancient Japan, had managed this shrine in ancient times, details please refer to an official homepage.

Matunoo Taisha shrine is famous for the Japanese kerria, blooming in late spring every year. The Japanese kerria (Kerria japonica) is bright yellow color. The Japanese traditional color "Yamabuki-Iro" is based on this blossom's color. Of course, there is "Shiro-Yamabuki" (Rhodotypos scandens), but this is the other species. The Japanese kerria is blooming around Ichi-no-i River, which is very beautiful bright yellow fantastic landscape. And the Rhodotypos scandens is blooming nearby Jyoko-no-Niwa Japanese garden.
There are many famous cherry blossom landscapes, but this shrine is rare place famous for the Japanese kerria. Please come to watch it.

You can read the detail of "Cherry‐blossom viewing": http://warabe-jp.blogspot.jp/2018/01/cherryblossom-viewing.html

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This page was last modified: March 17, 2023. 

