杜若のころ Season of the rabbit-ear iris flower


この浅沢社のカキツバタは中井 芳滝(1841-1899)という幕末から明治に活躍した大阪の浮世絵師による浪花百景「浅沢の弁才天」として浮世絵にも描かれています。

カキツバタと言えば上賀茂神社の域外神社 大田神社の「大田ノ沢のカキツバタ群落」が尾形光琳の『燕子花図』のモチーフになったとのことで有名です。私も数回撮影しています。

浅沢社住吉大社の末社であり、東側にある武道館の先の出入り口から数分の場所にあります。住吉大社は古来 摂津国 (せっつのくに=大阪府北西部と兵庫県南東部を占める旧国名) の中でも、由緒が深く、信仰が篤い神社として、「一の宮」という社格で人々に親しまれてきたそうです。

住吉大社といえば大阪で最も人出がある初詣先で、期間中に約260万人が訪れる全国的にみてもトップ10に入る人気です。所在地は大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉2-9-89で南海電車 住吉大社駅から徒歩5分程度の場所です。

大阪府立図書館 おおさかeコレクション「錦絵にみる大阪の風景」によれば、(以下抜粋)~住吉神社から東南に2丁ほどのところにある浅沢神社のそばにあり、かつては杜若で有名であった。和歌の名所としても知られていたが、後年荒廃していた。~(中略)~宝暦13年(1763)に大炊頭某が新たに杜若をここに植え、旧に復したという。(以下 略)~とあります。




Season of the rabbit-ear iris flower

The rabbit-ear irises of Asazawa Shrine can be seen "Shrine of Sarasvati in Asazawa" that is one ukiyo-e of "Hundred landscape in Naniwa (=old name of Osaka)", which was drawn by Nakai Yoshitaki (1841-1899), who was ukiyo-e painter in Edo to Meiji era.

But, the Ota Jinjya Shrine (Established in 927), Kyoto, that is an auxiliary shrine of Kamigamo-jinjya shrine, where has very famous swamp and the "Rabbit Ear Iris in Ota-no-sawa swamp" is designated as a Natural Monument. Here is famous for a work which is Kourin Ogata famous works, "Kakitsubata-zu (picture of the rabbit-ear irises) ". I had several times photographed.

Asazawa Shrine is an auxiliary shrine of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine that is located few minutes from east entrance of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has been most popular to people and called "Ichinomiya of Settsu". They say "Settsu" in ancient that is the old country which accounts for northwest of Osaka Prefecture and southeastern of Hyogo Prefecture.

Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is a popular of the top 10 of the New Year's visit to a shrine of Japan. That is located at Sumiyoshi-Yard, Osaka-City, Japan and that about 5 minutes’ walk from Sumiyoshi Taisha station of Nankai train.

From the "Ukiyo-e of Naniwa Landscape", that is the Internet archive data of Osaka Prefectural Central Library; There is Asazawa Shrine about 200m from Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine that was famous for the rabbit-ear irises in ancient. They made many the Tanka poetries with that place. But later on the shrine fell into ruin. Here was restored by someone in 1763 and he planted the rabbit-ear irises.

It seems to me same state from the old ukiyo-e except surrounding environment.  I did not know that the some motifs of my work is same of the Ukiyo-e of Naniwa. Someday, I want to exhibit my "Digital Ukiyo-e" together with the Ukiyo-e of Naniwa.

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I will use it for expense for covering news and making artworks.

This page was last modified: April 30, 2018. 

