七段花咲く Shichidanka begin to bloom


七段花はヤマアジサイの変種で六甲山の特産種です。ドイツの医師・博物学者で江戸時代 長崎出島のオランダ商館医として来日したシーボルトの著書「日本植物誌」によって初めて紹介されたものです。その後、長い間発見されず「幻の紫陽花」と言われていましたが、1959年(昭和34年)に六甲山系内で再発見されたものです。


使用機材: リコー GR




Shichidanka begin to bloom

A "Shichidanka" is a very rare species of a hydrangea that had been introduced by Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold (1796-1866) on "FLORA JAPONICA" at first. He had visited to Japan in 1823 as a doctor in Netherlands trading post located on Dejima of Nagasaki and he published that after return home in Netherlands in 1830.

But no one had been able to find out, until when that had been found in 1959 at Rokko Mountain, Kobe, Japan. So that they call that “Rare Hydrangea".

I photographed this at Hamayashiki Residence, Suita-City.

Equipment: Ricoh GR

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This page was last modified: May 20, 2018. 

