勝林寺の大賀蓮 Oga lotus in Shourinji Temple


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大賀蓮は発見者である植物学者で蓮の権威でもあった大賀 一郎(1883-1965)に因んで名づけられた蓮の種類です。

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東福寺塔頭 勝林寺でもご住職が愛情を込めて育てた大賀蓮をはじめとする蓮たちが夏の参拝者の心と目を癒してくれています。

*この文章に掲載した画像を「デジタル浮世絵®」として販売いたします。ご希望の方は作品名 "Oga lotus 00X" (Xは数字です) をご記載の上で連絡ください。A4サイズで10,000円です。

東福寺塔頭 毘沙門堂 勝林寺


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ご住職の宇野 様は芸術に深い造詣があり、このお寺の庭園は禅の心を表しているだけでなく美しくて芸術的です。

勝林寺 ホームページ: http://shourin-ji.org/




Oga lotus in Shourinji Temple

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The Oga lotus that name has been associated Japanese botanist's name Oga Ichiro (1883-1965). He found the ancient lotus seed (born over 2,000 years ago) in the Ochiai ruins (Yayoi era) at Chiba-City in 1951. And he succeeded in flowering in the next year.

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Nowadays, this kind lotus is expanded into the world, and it seems that is most famous lotus.

Bishamonten Shorinji at Tofukuji

From the official homepage, Tofukuji, established in 1236, is the oldest Buddhist temple in Kyoto and the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. Shorinji was founded as a sub-temple of Tofukuji in 1550 at the request of Kogaku Reisho, the 205th head priest of Tofukuji.

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A master of this Buddhist priest of this temple is very interested in the art, so his Japanese garden is not only based on the Zen, but also that is beautiful and artistic. If you come this temple, you can be many temple experiences, ex. Zazen, Sutra and Buddha image copying etc. At throughout the year, groups of 8 or more people can view the concealed Bishamonten statue by appointment, this is what amazing experience for you.

Shourinji Temple HP: http://shourin-ji.org/english/

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This page was last modified: July 18, 2018.

