デジタル浮世絵について What is the "Digital Ukiyo-e"?



平成27年(2015年)410日に「デジタル浮世絵」は日本国 特許庁の商標登録(第5757271号)となりました(商品区分記事:41写真の撮影、42デザインの考案)。


私は少年期から身近にあった浮世絵を参考に、大胆な色彩、遠近感の誇張、明暗差の減少を適宜に適用して制作しています。特注品印刷向けとしてユネスコ無形文化遺産 石州半紙の工房である石州和紙久保田と共同で開発した厚みを増した楮紙である「インクジェット向け石州和紙」を用いています。石州和紙は1300年以上続く伝統を守り、化学薬品が無添加、表面も無加工であるため長期保存に向いています。


ニューヨーク、東京目黒の展示会 等を経て、全く新しいアート表現として評価を得ました。





What is the "Digital Ukiyo-e"?

The "Digital Ukiyo-e" became the registered trademark (Articles on class of goods: 41Photography, 42The device of a design) of the Japanese Patent Office on April 10, 2015.
Basically, it is just a coined word that combines "digital" and "ukiyo-e".
The "Digital Ukiyo-e" is including a meaning of "The Modern version of the Ukiyo-e".
I refer to ukiyo-e prints that have been familiar to me since I was a boy. The characteristic of my works is simplification of the subject, exaggerated perspective, the color control with a feature, and that is to use as reference the characteristics of Ukiyo-e. For special order products, I use to print on the "Sekishu Washi" that is a handmade Japanese Paper as the UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage, which was made of collaboration with the workshop "Sekishu Washi Kubota". The Sekishu Washi has been keep same making process for over 1300 years, no contains chemicals and no coating, so that that is can succeed to several generations. And I use the special version of the Sekishu Washi "Sekishu Washi for Inkjet print”, which is thicken to be easy to accept in ink.  If you watch the prints on Sekishu Washi, it seems to you more natural feeling of the subjects what has been taken by photography. And there is a pseudo three-dimensional impression by printing on thick "Sekishu Washi", not only it was printed on the paper surface, but also because it was dyed to the depths of the Japanese paper fiber by ink penetrating. I got an evaluation that "It is a new art", after I had exhibited at New York, Tokyo, and the others.

*Would you like to use an image that introduces the traditional culture of Osaka for the 2025 Kansai-Osaka Expo or Integrated Resort advertising?

I have Osaka Tenmangu Shrine and many images, including the Tenjin Festival. I am waiting for your contact with the usage contract of the copyrighted work.

I will start consulting on traditional Japanese culture and festivals for foreign people. Nowadays, many Japanese people don't know about it, and they don't have many opportunities to get involved. I am in a unique position to be involved through photography. In fact, I often receive questions from foreign people, when I am In an interval taking photographs.

I am looking forward to your message.


This page was last modified: January 16, 2023 

