住吉大社での展示5 Exhibition at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine 5th
住吉大社は古来 摂津国 (せっつのくに=大阪府北西部と兵庫県南東部を占める旧国名) の中でも、由緒が深く、信仰が篤い神社として、「一の宮」という社格で人々に親しまれてきたそうです。
住吉大社といえば大阪で最も人出がある初詣先で、期間中に約260万人が訪れる全国的にみてもトップ10に入る人気です。そして、今回開催が決まった2025年大阪万博のプロモーションムービーのロケ地の1つとして世界に紹介されました。所在地は大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉2-9-89で南海電車 住吉大社駅から徒歩5分程度の場所です。
住吉踊は(公式ホームページより)~神功皇后(第四本宮御祭神)三韓より御凱旋の折、泉州七道ヶ濱(現在の堺市)に御上陸になられたことを祝い、海浜の漁民が「天下泰平」を謳歌し吉士舞を舞ったことに始まると伝えられております。大変古い歴史を持つ住吉踊は、中世には農民たちが稲の虫追いや厄払いの意を込めて「五穀豊穣」を祈った農民舞踊となり、また住吉神宮寺の僧により「庶民の安全繁栄」を祈った踊りとして発達していったものとも考えられます。(以下略)~とあります。毎年 年4回奉納されています。
住吉大社ホームページ: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/
石州和紙久保田ホームページ: http://sekishu.jp/kubota/
作品はA3ノビサイズ(329mm × 483mm)のユネスコ無形文化財 石州和紙に印刷して「デジタル浮世絵」として展示しています。
住吉大社は古来 摂津国 (せっつのくに=大阪府北西部と兵庫県南東部を占める旧国名) の中でも、由緒が深く、信仰が篤い神社として、「一の宮」という社格で人々に親しまれてきたそうです。
住吉大社といえば大阪で最も人出がある初詣先で、期間中に約260万人が訪れる全国的にみてもトップ10に入る人気です。そして、今回開催が決まった2025年大阪万博のプロモーションムービーのロケ地の1つとして世界に紹介されました。所在地は大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉2-9-89で南海電車 住吉大社駅から徒歩5分程度の場所です。
住吉踊は(公式ホームページより)~神功皇后(第四本宮御祭神)三韓より御凱旋の折、泉州七道ヶ濱(現在の堺市)に御上陸になられたことを祝い、海浜の漁民が「天下泰平」を謳歌し吉士舞を舞ったことに始まると伝えられております。大変古い歴史を持つ住吉踊は、中世には農民たちが稲の虫追いや厄払いの意を込めて「五穀豊穣」を祈った農民舞踊となり、また住吉神宮寺の僧により「庶民の安全繁栄」を祈った踊りとして発達していったものとも考えられます。(以下略)~とあります。毎年 年4回奉納されています。
住吉大社ホームページ: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/
石州和紙久保田ホームページ: http://sekishu.jp/kubota/
Exhibition at Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine 5th
Now, I exhibit the 4 works "Digital Ukiyo-e" which is about "Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual and Sumiyoshi Odori Dance in Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. And I use the Japanese traditional handmade paper "Sekishu Washi" (size: 329mm × 483mm) that is the UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage.
My object of this exhibition is not only a recognition improvement of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, but also the succession to an intangible cultural asset to the next generation. It can come true by a combination of "Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine" with the history more than 1,800 years and "Sekishu Washi" with the history more than 1,300 years, so that it is possibility to become with cultural assets of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. I think that one of the most important thing of Japan is succession and continuous use the culture of over 1000 years.
This exhibition has been continued for about 1 year from October 2017. This time, I decide to change to the new frame, because the works decoration was damaged by outdoor display. I am looking forward to your agreement and contribution, Please send me an e-mail. It is will be reexhibit after December, 2018.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has been most popular to people and called "Ichinomiya of Settsu". They say "Settsu" in ancient that is the old country which accounts for northwest of Osaka Prefecture and southeastern of Hyogo Prefecture.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is a popular of the top 10 of the New Year's visit to a shrine of Japan and it was used as one of the location place of the promotion movie of EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai. That is located at Sumiyoshi-Yard, Osaka-City, Japan and that about 5 minutes’ walk from Sumiyoshi Taisha station of Nankai train.
"Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual
The "Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset that is held at June 14 in every years. And it is a special event to pray for a good harvest.
They think that the young plant of the rice have the spiritual power, they are singing and dancing to make that power strong.
Various dedication is carried out in this event. This time, I exhibit the works about “Granting the holy plants” and “Elegant Samurai dance”.
For more information, please visit the official home page.
Sumiyoshi Odori Dance
For over 1800 years ago, it is said to be the origin of "Sumiyoshi Odori" that people had danced it to celebrate the victory of Empress Jingu in Korean Peninsula. And it is a very old dance, and this is said to be the model of the traditional dance of Japan.
The dedication of the Sumiyoshi Odori is carried out in four times in every year, First three days of the New Year (January 1 to 3), Otaue (=Rice planting) Shinto Ritual (June 14), Sumiyoshi Festival (July 31 to August 1), Harvest Moon Festival.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has been holding by several believers group of shrine, I participate in a group of "Sumiyoshi Odori Dance".
For more information, please visit the official home page.
HP: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/en/
About Sekishu Washi
Sekishu Washi (traditional Japanese handmade paper) has been produced in Misumi-Town, Hamada-City, Shimane-Prefecture, Japan, for over about 1300 years. Sekishu Washi is made using the bark fibers of kozo, mitsumata, and gampi. Neri, a vegetable starch derived from the roots of the tororo-aoi plant, is also added. Sekishu Washi is very special, fine, strong, and glossy paper that is exclusively made by hand. There are only four workplaces that have been continued Sekishu Washi production until now.
Furthermore in 2009, UNESCO agreed to safeguard Sekishu-banshi as an Intangible
Cultural Heritage, and included it in their Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Sekishu Washi has been used as restoration papers for masterpiece paintings around the world for years.
Now, I exhibit the 4 works "Digital Ukiyo-e" which is about "Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual and Sumiyoshi Odori Dance in Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. And I use the Japanese traditional handmade paper "Sekishu Washi" (size: 329mm × 483mm) that is the UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage.
My object of this exhibition is not only a recognition improvement of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, but also the succession to an intangible cultural asset to the next generation. It can come true by a combination of "Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine" with the history more than 1,800 years and "Sekishu Washi" with the history more than 1,300 years, so that it is possibility to become with cultural assets of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. I think that one of the most important thing of Japan is succession and continuous use the culture of over 1000 years.
This exhibition has been continued for about 1 year from October 2017. This time, I decide to change to the new frame, because the works decoration was damaged by outdoor display. I am looking forward to your agreement and contribution, Please send me an e-mail. It is will be reexhibit after December, 2018.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has been most popular to people and called "Ichinomiya of Settsu". They say "Settsu" in ancient that is the old country which accounts for northwest of Osaka Prefecture and southeastern of Hyogo Prefecture.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is a popular of the top 10 of the New Year's visit to a shrine of Japan and it was used as one of the location place of the promotion movie of EXPO 2025 Osaka, Kansai. That is located at Sumiyoshi-Yard, Osaka-City, Japan and that about 5 minutes’ walk from Sumiyoshi Taisha station of Nankai train.
"Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual
The "Otaue (= Rice planting)" Shinto Ritual as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Asset that is held at June 14 in every years. And it is a special event to pray for a good harvest.
They think that the young plant of the rice have the spiritual power, they are singing and dancing to make that power strong.
Various dedication is carried out in this event. This time, I exhibit the works about “Granting the holy plants” and “Elegant Samurai dance”.
For more information, please visit the official home page.
Sumiyoshi Odori Dance
For over 1800 years ago, it is said to be the origin of "Sumiyoshi Odori" that people had danced it to celebrate the victory of Empress Jingu in Korean Peninsula. And it is a very old dance, and this is said to be the model of the traditional dance of Japan.
The dedication of the Sumiyoshi Odori is carried out in four times in every year, First three days of the New Year (January 1 to 3), Otaue (=Rice planting) Shinto Ritual (June 14), Sumiyoshi Festival (July 31 to August 1), Harvest Moon Festival.
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine has been holding by several believers group of shrine, I participate in a group of "Sumiyoshi Odori Dance".
For more information, please visit the official home page.
HP: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/en/
About Sekishu Washi
Sekishu Washi (traditional Japanese handmade paper) has been produced in Misumi-Town, Hamada-City, Shimane-Prefecture, Japan, for over about 1300 years. Sekishu Washi is made using the bark fibers of kozo, mitsumata, and gampi. Neri, a vegetable starch derived from the roots of the tororo-aoi plant, is also added. Sekishu Washi is very special, fine, strong, and glossy paper that is exclusively made by hand. There are only four workplaces that have been continued Sekishu Washi production until now.
Furthermore in 2009, UNESCO agreed to safeguard Sekishu-banshi as an Intangible
Cultural Heritage, and included it in their Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Sekishu Washi has been used as restoration papers for masterpiece paintings around the world for years.
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