麗しき秋の庭園 Beautiful Zen garden of the autumn in Shourinji Temple
東福寺塔頭 勝林寺の公式ホームページによれば~臨済宗大本山東福寺は、嘉禎二年(1236)に関白九條道家の発願により、藤原氏の氏寺として栄えていた法性寺内に伽藍を建立したことに始まる。東福寺の寺名は、東大寺・興福寺の奈良の二大寺から一字ずつ取ったもので、二十年近くの年月をかけ京都最大の大伽藍を造営し、開山に聖一国師(円爾弁円)を迎えた。その後相次ぐ火災のため、初期の伽藍の大部分を焼失するも、そのたびに見事な復興を遂げ、京都五山列せられるに相応しい名刹となった。勝林寺は東福寺の塔頭寺院の一つで、天文十九年(1550)に東福寺第二百五世住持であった「高岳令松」禅師によって、勝林庵として創建された。本山東福寺の鬼門(北方)に位置し仏法と北方を守護するところから、「東福寺の毘沙門天」と呼ばれている。~とあります。
近年、紅葉時期の特別拝観期間に夜間ライトアップが行われます。東福寺境内ではこのお寺だけなので暗闇に浮かび上がっているように感じられます。秋の特別拝観 期間中はライトアップされた紅葉が美しく幻想的です。今年は手水舎にお花を浮かべておられたのでとても華やかでした。(今年の特別拝観は既に終了しました)
勝林寺 ホームページ: http://shourin-ji.org/
Beautiful Zen garden of the autumn in Shourinji Temple
Bishamonten Shorinji at Tofukuji which is from the official homepage, Tofukuji, established in 1236, is the oldest Buddhist temple in Kyoto and the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. Shorinji was founded as a sub-temple of Tofukuji in 1550 at the request of Kogaku Reisho, the 205th head priest of Tofukuji.
A master of this Buddhist priest of this temple is very interested in the art, so his Japanese garden is not only based on the Zen, but also that is beautiful and artistic. If you come this temple, you can be many temple experiences, ex. Zazen, Sutra and Buddha image copying etc. At throughout the year, groups of 8 or more people can view the concealed Bishamonten statue by appointment, this is what amazing experience for you.
The standing statue of Bishamonten Heian Period (794-1159), Height 145.7cm, as the main temple treasure. One of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, Bishamonten has been revered as the God of Wealth and Victory since ancient times. This statue was found during the Edo Period (1603-1868) concealed above the ceiling of Tofukuji’s main hall, and it was subsequently ensconced in Shourin-ji. Worshipers pray to Bishamonten for prosperity, triumph, and protection against evil. This Buddhist statue is ordinarily closed to the public, except at New Year, and in spring (April during cherry blossom season) and fall (mid-November to early December). This temple is held the night worship in every autumn. Also opened when illuminated at night. (This year; November 17 to December 2, 10:00am-7:00pm. *Already ended.)
Kisshoten is revered as the Goddess of Beauty and Prosperity, and is the wife of Bishamonten. The maple trees in front of Bishamon-do are so beautiful Kisshoten is thought to reside within, so they are referred to as Kissho Maples.
I had dedicated my work "Kissho Maples" to Shourinji Temple December 2014. If you visit during special viewing days (This year November 18-December 3), you can watch that with temple treasures.
Kissho maple is "Oomomiji" (Acer palmatum var.amoenum), and that is not turn to deep bright red, that be turning red so slowly more than the others. That turns red on about December 10 in an average year.
Shourinji Temple HP: http://shourin-ji.org/english/
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秋の本堂前 Autumn view of Shourinji Temple |
東福寺塔頭 勝林寺の公式ホームページによれば~臨済宗大本山東福寺は、嘉禎二年(1236)に関白九條道家の発願により、藤原氏の氏寺として栄えていた法性寺内に伽藍を建立したことに始まる。東福寺の寺名は、東大寺・興福寺の奈良の二大寺から一字ずつ取ったもので、二十年近くの年月をかけ京都最大の大伽藍を造営し、開山に聖一国師(円爾弁円)を迎えた。その後相次ぐ火災のため、初期の伽藍の大部分を焼失するも、そのたびに見事な復興を遂げ、京都五山列せられるに相応しい名刹となった。勝林寺は東福寺の塔頭寺院の一つで、天文十九年(1550)に東福寺第二百五世住持であった「高岳令松」禅師によって、勝林庵として創建された。本山東福寺の鬼門(北方)に位置し仏法と北方を守護するところから、「東福寺の毘沙門天」と呼ばれている。~とあります。
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秋のグラデーション Autumn colored gradients |
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吉祥紅葉麗し Beautiful Kissho autumnal tints |
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ご本尊近くの私の作品 Temple treasures and my work |
近年、紅葉時期の特別拝観期間に夜間ライトアップが行われます。東福寺境内ではこのお寺だけなので暗闇に浮かび上がっているように感じられます。秋の特別拝観 期間中はライトアップされた紅葉が美しく幻想的です。今年は手水舎にお花を浮かべておられたのでとても華やかでした。(今年の特別拝観は既に終了しました)
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幻想的な秋の夜 Fantastic autumn night |
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花手水 Flowers on the water surface |
勝林寺 ホームページ: http://shourin-ji.org/
Beautiful Zen garden of the autumn in Shourinji Temple
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秋宵の嘯月庭 Beautiful Japanese garden in autumn night |
Bishamonten Shorinji at Tofukuji which is from the official homepage, Tofukuji, established in 1236, is the oldest Buddhist temple in Kyoto and the head temple of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. Shorinji was founded as a sub-temple of Tofukuji in 1550 at the request of Kogaku Reisho, the 205th head priest of Tofukuji.
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ご住職と私の作品 Master of this Buddhist priest and my work |
A master of this Buddhist priest of this temple is very interested in the art, so his Japanese garden is not only based on the Zen, but also that is beautiful and artistic. If you come this temple, you can be many temple experiences, ex. Zazen, Sutra and Buddha image copying etc. At throughout the year, groups of 8 or more people can view the concealed Bishamonten statue by appointment, this is what amazing experience for you.
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ご本尊近くの私の作品 Temple treasures and my work |
The standing statue of Bishamonten Heian Period (794-1159), Height 145.7cm, as the main temple treasure. One of the Four Heavenly Kings in Buddhism, Bishamonten has been revered as the God of Wealth and Victory since ancient times. This statue was found during the Edo Period (1603-1868) concealed above the ceiling of Tofukuji’s main hall, and it was subsequently ensconced in Shourin-ji. Worshipers pray to Bishamonten for prosperity, triumph, and protection against evil. This Buddhist statue is ordinarily closed to the public, except at New Year, and in spring (April during cherry blossom season) and fall (mid-November to early December). This temple is held the night worship in every autumn. Also opened when illuminated at night. (This year; November 17 to December 2, 10:00am-7:00pm. *Already ended.)
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麗しき秋宵 Beautiful night view of the autumn garden |
Kisshoten is revered as the Goddess of Beauty and Prosperity, and is the wife of Bishamonten. The maple trees in front of Bishamon-do are so beautiful Kisshoten is thought to reside within, so they are referred to as Kissho Maples.
I had dedicated my work "Kissho Maples" to Shourinji Temple December 2014. If you visit during special viewing days (This year November 18-December 3), you can watch that with temple treasures.
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吉祥紅葉麗し Beautiful Kissho autumnal tints |
Kissho maple is "Oomomiji" (Acer palmatum var.amoenum), and that is not turn to deep bright red, that be turning red so slowly more than the others. That turns red on about December 10 in an average year.
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花小鉢 Flowers in the pot |
Shourinji Temple HP: http://shourin-ji.org/english/
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I will use it for expense for covering news and making artworks.