冬のあみだ池 Amidaike Pond in Winter








また、大阪府立図書館 おおさかeコレクション 浪速百景によれば(以下引用)~和光寺本堂の北。池中に宝塔があり、阿弥陀三尊を安置している。池の表には蓮が多く、盛りの時は蓮の香りが四方に広がるという。和光寺の号は蓮池山。本尊は阿弥陀仏。 仏教伝来時に物部尾輿(もののべのおこし)、中臣鎌子(なたとみのかまたり)が日本は神国として仏像を難波堀江に焼き捨てたが、本多善光が捨てられた仏像を拾い上げて、これを本尊として開いたのが長野の善光寺である。元禄11年(1698)に智善上人が、善光寺と同体の本尊を安置したのが和光寺で、難波堀江の跡が阿弥陀池と縁起にある。~とあります。





CANON EOS 5D Mark III + EF 16-35mm F4.0L IS USM

市川ソフトラボラトリー Silkypix Developer Studio Pro 11




Amidaike Pond in Winter

Amidaike Pond is in the precincts of Wakoji Temple (3-7-27 Kitahorie, Nishi-Ward, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture), and is about a 5-minute walk from Nishi-Nagahori Subway Station.

Amidaike Pond was designated as the cultural property designated by Osaka City Office in 2006.

This is from Osaka City Official HP: They say that Amidaike Pond on the north side of the precincts of Wakoji Temple is said to be the "Naniwa no Horie" where the Buddhist statue brought from Baekje was sunk by the people of abolition of Buddhism. In the 11th year of Genroku (1698), when Wakoji Temple was built, it has been already worshiped as a sacred place for Buddhist traditions and has become as one of the famous places in Osaka. Its size is 29.4m east-west and 18.8m north-south, and is surrounded by a five-wheeled tower to form a balustrade. The old small hall was burnt down in the WW2nd, and the masonry part has been repaired. But the situation of old days is well communicated still now.

Also, this is from the Osaka Prefectural Library Osaka e-Collection, One Hundred Views of Naniwa; It is placed at north of the main hall of Wakoji Temple. There is a pagoda in the pond, in where the Amitabha triad is enshrined. They say that there are many lotuses on the surface of the pond, and the scent of lotus spreads in all directions when it is in full bloom. The honorific mountain name of Wakoji Temple is Renchizan, and the principal image is Amida Buddha. When Buddhism was introduced to Japan, Mononobe no Okoshi and Nakatomi no Kamatari burned Buddhist statues into "Naniwa no Horie", because of "Japan as Shinto god Land”, but Honda Yoshimitsu picked up the abandoned Buddhist statues. He has opened the Zenkoji Temple with that Buddhist statues as the principal image. In the 11th year of Genroku (1698), Wakoji was enshrined by the same principal image of Zenkoji Temple. They say that the remains of "Naniwa no Horie" is Amidaike Pond.

Now, it seems to me that is surrounded by high-rise buildings, and it does not have the atmosphere of "One hundred views of Naniwa". And although it was very crowded at that time with gathering faith, it was a quiet place where no one is now.


CANON EOS 5D Mark III + EF 16-35mm F4.0L IS USM

Ichikawa Soft Laboratory Silkypix Developer Studio Pro 11

This page was last modified: February 27, 2022.

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