初夏の崇禅寺 Souzenji Temple in the early summer


Main Temple of Souzenji Temple

崇禅寺は江戸時代の浮世絵 浪花百景「崇禅寺馬場」(画:歌川
国員)に描かれており、阪急 崇禅寺駅から徒歩5分程度の場所にあります。 

100 views of Naniwa ”Riding ground in Souzenji Temple"

公式ホームページによれば(以下引用します)~奈良時代の天平年間(724748年)に法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)の行基によって創建されました。その後、嘉吉(かきつ)元年(1441)6月の嘉吉の乱で、室町幕府6代将軍足利義教(あしかが よしのり)公が、播磨守護赤松満祐(あかまつ みつすけ)に京都で殺害され、赤松の一党が居城の白旗城に逃げ落ちる途中、義教公の首を当寺に葬った因縁により、翌年に時の摂津守護細川持賢(ほそかわ もちかた)より大伽藍と寺領の寄進をうけ、足利義教公ならびに細川家の菩堤寺として再興されました。その折、徳叟亨隣(とくそうこうりん)大和尚を開山とする曹洞宗に改められました。このため、当寺には足利義教公の首塚と徳叟亨隣大和尚の墓があり、またその墓と並んで細川ガラシヤ夫人の墓があります。~(中略)~当寺の伽藍は文明15年(1483年)以来しばしば兵火にかかり、慶安年間(16481651年)に再建されましたが、昭和2067日の大阪大空襲で再び灰燼に帰しました。現在の伽藍は、平成元年(1989年)に再建されたもの(以下略)~とあります。

Temple Hall to Ashikaga Yoshinori's, Tokuso Kourin Grand Buddhist Priest, and Mrs. Hosokawa Gracia


Tomb of Enjyo Brothers


Stone garden







CANON EF16-35mm F4.0L IS USM


SILKYPIX DEVELOPER STUDIO Pro11DaVinci Resolve Studio 17







Souzenji Temple in the early summer

View from southeast to Main Temple


This is about Souzenji Temple, that was drawn on an ukiyo-e of "100 views of Naniwa" in Edo era as "Riding ground in Souzenji Temple". That is placed at about 5 minutes from Souzenji Station of Hankyu Railway.

100 views of Naniwa ”Riding ground in Souzenji Temple"

They say from official homepage that “It was founded by Gyoki of the Hossoshu during the Tenpyo era (724-748) during the Nara period. After that, at June of the first year of Kakitsu (1441), Yoshinori Ashikaga, the sixth shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, was killed by Mitsusuke Akamatsu, the lord of Harima, in Kyoto.

Temple Hall dedicated to Jizo and Kannon

Then, while a party of Akamatsu escaped from here to Shirahata Castle, where the castle was located, the head of him was buried in this temple. Because of that reason, it was revived as the Bodhisattva Temple of the Hosokawa family who was lord of here. At that time, it was changed to the Soto sect, which was secondary founded by Tokuso Korin Grand Buddhist priest. For this reason, there is a burial mound for severed heads of Ashikaga Yoshinori, tomb of Tokuso Korin Grand Buddhist priest and tomb of Mrs. Hosokawa Gracia. The temple has often been hit by war fire since the 15 Bunmei era (1483) and was rebuilt during the Keian era (1648-1651), but was burned out by the Great Osaka Air Raids of WW2nd on June 7, 1945. bottom. The current temple was reconstructed in 1989.”

Burial mound for severed heads of Ashikaga Yoshinori (center)
Tomb of Tokuso Korin Grand Buddhist priest (right)
Tomb of Mrs. Hosokawa Gracia (left)

In addition, there is a tomb of the Enjo brothers who were sacrificed by deception,  which is famous for "Vengeance in the Riding ground in Souzenji Temple" which was the subject of Joruri (Japanese ballad drama) and movies.

Tomb of Enjyo Brothers

It seems to me  that the temple area  is much larger and according to the deputy chief priest, "In old days, it has been about a site up to the Souzenji Station of Hankyu Railway."

And from an Ukiyo-e there was a torii gate in the Edo period, it seems that there was some kind of Shinto Shrine. Since it is not a tourist temple, there are few people, but there was a history lover with materials visited it.

I thank you for everyone.





CANON EF 16-35mm F4.0L IS USM


SILKYPIX DEVELOPER STUDIO Pro11, DaVinci Resolve Studio 17


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This page was last modified: March 19, 2023. 

