半夏生の庭 Garden of the Hangesho


View of Front Garden of Shoin

建仁寺塔頭 両足院を「初夏の半夏生の庭園特別公開」(2022年6月1日~7月10日)期間に参拝いたしました。阪急 京都河原町駅から徒歩約10分の場所です。

View of Akai Garden

両足院 公式ホームページによれば~(以下引用)両足院は、建仁寺の開山・明庵栄西(みんなんようさい)禅師の法脈・黄龍派(おうりょうは)を受け継ぐ龍山徳見(りゅうざんとっけん)禅師を開山とする臨済宗建仁寺派の塔頭寺院です。現在の両足院は、開山当時「知足院」と号していました。知足院は、龍山徳見禅師の遺骨が知足院に葬られてからは、徳見禅師の法脈を継ぐ当院3世文林寿郁(ぶんりんじゅいく)の両足 院・一庵一麟(いちあんいちりん)の霊泉院(説明のため追記:現 霊源院)などの黄龍派寺院の本院でした。創建された当時の両足院は、知足院の別院、または徒弟院(つちえん)として建仁寺開山堂・護国院の中にありましたが、天文年間の火災の後、「知足院・両足院」両院を併せて「両足院」と称する事となり現在に至ります。(以下略)~とあります。

View of Front Garden of Shoin


View of Hojo








CANON EF16-35mm F4.0L IS USM


SILKYPIX DEVELOPER STUDIO Pro11DaVinci Resolve Studio 17





         YouTube Video

Garden of the Hangesho (Chinese lizard's tail)

View of Front Garden of Shoin

I visited to Ryosokuin Temple that is sub temple of Kenninji Temple during the "Hangesho (Chinese lizard's tail) Garden special opening in the early summer" (June 1st to July 10th, 2022). That is located at about 10 minutes from Kyoto Kawaramachi Station of Hankyu Railway.

View of Front Garden of Shoin

They say from official homepage “Ryosokuin Temple was founded by Zen Master Ryuzan Tokken who was a successor of Minnan Yousai (Ouryu school) founder of Kenninji Temple. That is a sub temple of Kenninji Temple of the Rinzai sect. The current Ryosokuin Temple was called "Chisokuin Temple" at the time of the founded. Chisokuin Temple was that after Zen Master Ryuzan Tokken has been buried at here, it was the main temple of the Ouryu school such as Ryosokuin Temple founded by Bunrin Jyuiku (3rd Master Priest) and Reigenin Temple founded by Ichian Ichirin. At the time of its founding, Ryosokuin Temple was in Kenninji Kaisando / Gokokuin as an annex of Chisokuin, and then "Chisokuin Temple and Ryosokuin Temple" both were collectively referred to as "Ryosokuin Temple", after a conflagration in Tenbun era (1532-1555).”

View of Front Garden of Shoin

"Hangesho" is one of the "Shichijyu Ni ko" (the 72 microseasons of the year based on the 24 solar seasons further divided into 3), and during the five days from the 11th day counting from the summer solstice. It will be start at July 2nd in 2022 in this year. The ”Hangesho" (Saururus chinensis) that blooms at this time is a perennial plant belonging to the genus Saururus chinensis of the family Houttuynia cordata, and it also called "Katashirogusa". This is because the upper part of the leaf becomes white as if it was painted during the flowering season, and it returns to its original color in midsummer when the flowering season is over.

View of Hojo

When the special opening, we will get off from Hojo and walk proceed along the Grave Load for a while to Front Garden of the Shoin. The Front Garden of the Shoin is the Japanese garden with a pond in the center designated as the Kyoto prefectural Site of Scenic Beauty, and "Hangesho" (Saururus chinensis) was in bloom around the central pond. The pond, which refracted the sunny weather before the rainy season and the "Hangesho" (Saururus chinensis), was very beautiful from any angle. In particular, the garden that I could be seen from around the pond is a timeless beautiful view, including the view from inside the Shoin.

View of Front Garden of Shoin

I recommend that you do not hurry and take your time to worship.

I thank you for everyone.





CANON EF16-35mm F4.0L IS USM


SILKYPIX DEVELOPER STUDIO Pro11, DaVinci Resolve Studio 17

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This page was last modified: June 15 2022

