登録商標「デジタル浮世絵」の追加取得について Additional Acquisition of Registered Trademark “Digital Ukiyo-e”



令和4年(2022年)9月26日に「デジタル浮世絵」は日本国 特許庁の商標登録(第6619253号)となりました(商品区分記事:41インターネットを利用して行う映像の提供,映画の上映・制作又は配給,美術品の展示,写真の撮影)。

既に、平成27年(2015年)410日に「デジタル浮世絵」は日本国 特許庁の商標登録(第5757271号)(商品区分記事:41写真の撮影、42デザインの考案)を取得しており、この度、追加取得をいたしました。

私が最初に「デジタル浮世絵」を登録商標として取得した時には想定していなかった不備がありました。それは、インターネットでワード検索した場合、現在、登録商標の役務として取得していない「41類 美術品の展示」を行っているものが検索結果の上位に表示されていることです。更に、インターネットを通じての動画配信や映像の提供にも対応していませんでした。そこで、この度追加取得することにいたしました。しかし、今回の取得する過程で、特許庁から「デジタル浮世絵」が「41インターネットを利用して行う映像の提供,映画の上映・制作又は配給,美術品の展示」として数多く使用されている事実を知らされ、一旦取得できない状況となりました(拒否査定)。







Additional Acquisition of Registered Trademark “Digital Ukiyo-e”


This time, on September 26, 2022, "Digital Ukiyo-e" became the registered trademark (Articles on class of goods: 41Providing videos from the internet, not downloadable, movie theatre presentations or movie film production and distribution, art exhibitions, photography, Registration number: 6619253), that of the Japanese Patent Office.

Already, "Digital Ukiyo-e" had become the registered trademark (Articles on class of goods: 41Photography, 42The device of a design, Registration number: 5757271) of the Japanese Patent Office on April 10, 2015.

When I first acquired "Digital Ukiyo-e" as a registered trademark, there were the problems as I hadn't thought. That is, when you search for words on the Internet, the top the search results are those that are currently "41: art exhibitions", that I had not been acquired as my registered trademark service yet. Furthermore, it did not support (41: Providing videos from the internet, not downloadable, movie theatre presentations or movie film production and distribution).  Therefore, I decided to acquire it additionally this time. However, in the process of granted examination these services of registered trademark, the Patent Office revealed that “Digital Ukiyo-e'' is being used in many ways, and it was a decision refusing the grant of a registered trademark. Under such circumstances, with the full support and cooperation of Sugimoto Patent Office, I was able to successfully obtain this registered trademark.

Basically, "Digital Ukiyo-e" is just a coined word that combines "digital" and "ukiyo-e". it is including a meaning of "The Modern version of the Ukiyo-e".

I refer to ukiyo-e prints that have been familiar to me since I was a boy. The characteristic of my works is simplification of the subject, exaggerated perspective, the color control with a feature, and that is to use as reference the characteristics of Ukiyo-e.


*Would you like to use an image that introduces the traditional culture of Osaka for the 2025 Kansai-Osaka Expo or Integrated Resort advertising?

I have Osaka Tenmangu Shrine and many images, including the Tenjin Festival. I am waiting for your contact with the usage contract of the copyrighted work.

I will start consulting on traditional Japanese culture and festivals for foreign people. Nowadays, many Japanese people don't know about it, and they don't have many opportunities to get involved. I am in a unique position to be involved through photography. In fact, I often receive questions from foreign people, when I am In an interval taking photographs.

I am looking forward to your message.


This page was last modified: January 16, 2023 

