令和5年住吉大社 住吉祭について Sumiyoshi Festival in Sumiyoshi-Taisha shrine in 2023

令和5年住吉大社 住吉祭について


住吉大社は古来 摂津国 (せっつのくに=大阪府北西部と兵庫県南東部を占める旧国名) の中でも、由緒が深く、信仰が篤い神社として、「一の宮」という社格で人々に親しまれてきたそうです。

住吉大社といえば大阪で最も人出がある初詣先で、期間中に約260万人が訪れる全国的にみてもトップ10に入る人気です。所在地は大阪府大阪市住吉区住吉2-9-89で南海電車 住吉大社駅から徒歩5分程度の場所です。












住吉大社ホームページ: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/




TAMRON SP28-300mm F3.5-6.3 VC PZD







Sumiyoshi Festival in Sumiyoshi-Taisha shrine in 2023

I had visited to Sumiyoshi-Taisha shrine in Osaka-City Sumiyoshi Ward to shoot the "Sumiyoshi Festival" from July 31 to August 1 2023.

There is located about 5 minutes’ walk from Sumiyoshi-Taisha station of Nankai train.

Sumiyoshi-Taisha shrine has been most popular to people and called "Ichinomiya of Settsu". They say "Settsu" in ancient that is the old country which accounts for northwest of Osaka Prefecture and southeastern of Hyogo Prefecture.

Sumiyoshi-Taisha shrine is a popular of the top 10 of the New Year's visit to a shrine of Japan.

They say that Sumiyoshi Festival purify the all area of Osaka and that is the last summer festival of Osaka. "Mikoshi Togyo (=Portable Shrine moving with parade)" was performed on August 1 when "Nagoshino Harai (=Summer Purification Rites)" was performed on July 31.

This festival has been holding by several believers group of shrines, I participate in a group of "Sumiyoshi Odori".

For over 1800 years ago, it is said to be the origin of "Sumiyoshi Odori" that people had danced it to celebrate the victory of Empress Jingu in Korean Peninsula. And it is a very old dance, and this is said to be the model of the traditional dance of Japan.

The dedication of the Sumiyoshi Odori is carried out early in the morning until night during August 1 from July 31. It is very hard contents moving intense heat of the midsummer on foot for a long time. The place to dedicate a dance to is a private house, a store, a convenience store, a bank, a hospital, old man welfare institution and so on.

Due to the spread of COVID-19, after 2019 hasn't been held, except for some Shinto rituals. Therefore, it has been the first time in four years that the festival has been held as almost before in this year.

It was the first time in a long time because of various reasons, and I was able to realize that the three years that were not held had greatly changed people's lives and the participants.

Especially, I participate in a group of "Sumiyoshi Odori Dance". and that is centered on girls who are in elementary school or younger, who called "Dou-jo". 3 years is a very long time for them, who are in their growth period, and has caused a big change in the personnel composition. Fortunately, a drastic drop in the number of participants was avoided.

From around 8:30 in the morning, the we have gone through the parishioner’s area after being purified at the front of First Main Shrine. The schedule has changed little by little from four years ago, but I still realized the importance of the role of Sumiyoshi Odori Dance in giving purification to the local people and area. Also, it has been wonderful to see the "Dou-jo" of Sumiyoshi Odori Dance seriously facing traditional culture in the scorching heat. Of course, we have been very careful about heatstroke, and we have been provided with resting places and drinks in various places.

I thank you for everyone of this festival.

For more information about Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine, please visit official home page: http://www.sumiyoshitaisha.net/en/




TAMRON 28-300mm F3.5-6.3 Di VC PZD


Silkypix Developer Studio Pro 11


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This page was last modified: August 20, 2023

