一夜官女祭考 Thought about the Ichiya Kanjyo Festival

一夜官女祭 考

さて、大阪府指定文化財 一夜官女祭は大阪府大阪市西淀川区野里にある野里住吉神社で毎年2月19日から20日に行われます。私は記録撮影とともに地元の氏子の皆さんと一緒に神饌をつくることから参加させていただいてます。
この祭りは司馬遼太郎の小説「一夜官女」に(内容として直接関連がありませんが)取り上げられています。江戸時代 難波の浮世絵師 含粋亭 芳豊(生年不明 - 慶応2年〈1866年〉は歌川姓も名乗ったといわれる歌川国芳の門人がいますが、「花暦浪花自慢」の一つとして「野里一夜官女」として描かれています。



掲載記事の更新日: 20230619

Thought about the "Ichiya Kanjyo (Shrine maiden only for one day) Festival"

I named my work "Digital Ukiyo-e" that is the registered trademark of Japan Patent Office.
I go to shooting the "Ichiya Kanjyo (Shrine maiden only for one day) Festival" as the intangible folk cultural assets of Osaka Prefecture  in 19 to 20 February every year at Nozato Sumiyoshi Shrine. There is a shrine in the residential area walked about 10 minutes from JR Tsukamoto Station. And I join the main member of shrine parishioner I participate in making ambrosia every year.
This festival became the subject of the novel of Ryotaro Shiba. There is "Ichiya Kanjyo (Shrine maiden only for one day) Festival of Nozato" what is one of the Ukiyo-e series "Famous floral calendar of the Naniwa" had been made by Yoshitoyo Gansuitei (? -1866) lived in Naniwa (old name of Osaka). He was a disciple of Kuniyoshi Utagawa and he used the Utagawa family name sometime.
I was surprised that they don't know that old Ukiyo-e in festival of this year. I think from that old Ukiyo-e that state of the festival is much the same of old time. It is very difficult to do the succession of the traditional culture, so they have to watch a past record.
Osaka changed to attract attention globally, after 2025 Osaka Expo holding decision. I think that one of the most attracting attention things from the world is what we succeed an intangible cultural asset as some life in the present age. I hope that this intangible cultural asset is succeeded to from now on every year.
I continue help of the traditional culture succession.

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I will use it for expense for covering news and making artworks.

This page was last modified: June 19 2023

