早春のかほり Fragrance of the early spring


Elegant fragrance (Osaka Tenmangu Shrine)

ウメは学名:Prunus mume、英語名: Japanese apricotであり、バラ科サクラ属スモモ亜属の落葉高木です。所説ありますが現状では中国原産地説が有力のようです。

Ume Garden in Kitano Tenmangu Shrine


Ume Garden in Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine


Shimmering sunlight on the spring breeze (Umemiya Taisha Shrine)

梅園ではありませんが、梅宮大社(京都市右京区)の神苑も神社のシンボルとして多く植栽されています。御寺泉涌寺 別院 雲龍院(京都市東山区)の「悟りの窓」からみえるウメの古木も風情があって格別に感じます。

"Enlightenment Windows" in Unryu-in Temple





Fragrance of the early spring

Bon-Bai (Bonsai of Ume flower) in Osaka Tenmangu Shrine

The Ume (Japanese apricot: Prunus mume) isn't native to Japan but china. We Japanese love the cherry blossom very much. But I like the Ume flower also, because I feel that is valuable flower in early spring. *Please read about "Cherry blossom viewing".

Ume flower full bloom (Kitano Tenmangu Shrine)

I think that the cherry blossom is famous for glorious flower, but the Ume flower is very nice from beautiful flower, nice tree form and nice fragrance. It have become the subject of famous Kourin Ogata "The Folding Screen of Red and White Ume Blossoms". ”Bon-Bai (Bonsai of the ume flower)" expresses a characteristic of the Ume flower, beautiful flower, nice tree form and nice fragrance. You can be seen the many beautiful Bon-Bai in exhibition of Osaka Tenmangu Shrine in the early spring, and whose large size is nearly adult human and whose age is over about hundred years.

Fragrance of the early spring (Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine)

Tenmangu shrine is dedicated to Sugawara Michizane, who likes Ume flower very much, if you want to know more detail, you should read a specialized book. I have gone to take the Ume flower photographs to Ume Garden of Kitano Tenmangu Shrine (Higashiyama-ward, Kyoto-City) and Domyoji Tenmangu Shrine (Fujiidera-City, Osaka-Pref.).

Early spring feeling (Umenomiya Taisha Shrine)

Umenomiya Taisha Shrine is not Tenmangu Shrine, but that has nice shrine garden with many beautiful Ume flowers because Ume flower is whose symbol, I have already visited to take photo.
Unryu-in Temple (branch temple of Sennyuji Temple) has the circular window that is called enlightenment windows. And I can be seen the nice old Ume tree with pretty flowers.

"Enlightenment Windows" in Unryu-in Temple

Ume flower is blooming during midwinter to early spring, please go to looking for a fragrance of the early spring, one step ahead.

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  This page was last modified: January 16, 2023
